Carla Benedetti

18 mag 20202 min

Searching for meaning

No matter how successful we are, if we neglect what really matters to us, we will never be able to fully enjoy it.
Each journey brings discovery, adventure and great satisfaction, together with risks and difficulties. We all know it. In fact, we expect and accept the ups and downs of life. But are those ups and downs the ones we are ready to face? Is it the journey we are in, what we are truly made to do?
There are moments in life when we feel that something is wrong.

It is difficult to identify, but our body, our mood and even the way we relate to others tell us that there is no sense of purpose. Every individual craves self-realization and every single human being must know that what they are doing makes sense. Otherwise, their own life doesn't make sense to them.


So when that strange feeling arises, maybe it's time to find out if we are traveling to that distant horizon which is our personal vision. Here is our purpose. Here is the meaning of everything. When I share my experience as a professional coach with young start-ups or entrepreneurs, I often say: “Do what you want to do and nothing will appease your enthusiasm and strength to face it. But if even once you wonder if all your efforts, difficulties and losses are worth, stop for a moment. Take the time to think about it. Sit in an observer's chair, take the coach position and sincerely start your search for meaning. If what you are doing is consistent with a larger project and your personal vision, continue with the necessary changes. Otherwise, clarify what you really want. There is always a way.

That moment of epiphany could be a beautiful sunset in the desert, or a child's smile, or simply a cup of tea in the kitchen. Never miss that moment, honey. It is your intuitive call to action. Imagine your ideal day in the future. When you have achieved harmony, balance, happiness and describe it in detail as if it were a script.

  • Where are you?

  • What is there with you?

  • who is with you?

Make it vivid and present and be there ... "This is the day you want to live, this is the future you deserve to create".

So how do you imagine your ideal day?

Carla Benedetti is founder and owner of TH-HABITAT, international business coach, consultant, kundalini yoga teacher certified by KRI (Kundalini Research Institute). Traveler

#ricercadisenso #benessere #felicità #futuro
